Friday, August 01, 2008


Your friend has a joke, shared with you and another lady.
You laughed and the other lady was like 'what joke is that' or 'is that a joke' or 'I don't understand what you're talking about'.
Usually, people would describe that lady as 'She's having her period'. That's sexual discrimination.

What if, the lady never laugh whenever she listen to a joke, which is considerably funny? People (and myself) would start saying that she must has a very sad childhood, where she was being bullied 24/7 from age 3 to 12 (After age 12, she would still feel that she's being bullied or isolated even if she's being told a joke). Is that a discrimination?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sometimes its not because the woman doesn't understand the joke or get the joke, its just because she might not get the reference within the joke. You're discriminating against women that don't understand jokes.