Sunday, January 06, 2008

My Name is Earl

I like this show a lot a lot. Karma and whatever, his brother is really funny even though he acted like he's not (But trust me, he is).

I'm kinda thinking whose name I'm gonna put in my list but, it seems to be quite long, most probably not as long as Earl's but, it's still long.

Things like this, the sudden awareness of karma and a list of person whom you might want to say sorry or help them back as return of the bad things done to them, this can really be serious matter, but people can just make it funny as well. I know a lot of people would want to make the list as well, but, how many would be brave and sincere enough to admit that most of the things they've done are wrong? Perhaps they would if they got hit by a car.

End of part I (Part II would only exist if I manage to make that list)

1 comment:

Dav said...

That car thing could be arranged you know!